allisyn wonderland

*learning & loving it! life in the 4th grade in brooklyn, NY*

Friday, March 23, 2007


*Please enjoy these poems our class has been studying and performing! Feel free to share any of your favorites with us too.


Snapjack black beetle
Glint glitter glare beetle
Pin it in your hair beetle
Tack it to your shawl beetle
Wear it at the ball beetle
Shine shimmer spark beetle
--Glisten in the dark beetle
Listen to it crack beetle
Click beetle
Clack beetle

Mary Ann Hoberman


Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with Snow

by Langston Hughes

**SNEAK PEEK -- next week's poem!*
Where Do You Get the Idea for a Poem?

Where Do You Get the Idea for a Poem?
Does it shake you awake?
Do you dream it asleep?
Deep into your tiny head does it creep
And pop from your pen when you are not aware
Or leap from your pocket
Or fall from your hair
Or is it just silently
In a beat
In a breath
In a pause
In a cry
One unblinking eye
That stares from the dark
That is deep in your head
Demanding attention
Until it is written
Until it is rotten
Until it is anything else but forgotten
Until it is read.

--Karla Kuskin

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Talk about explorers! Our very own India is travelling to the Balkans. Please visit & comment on her family's blog as she documents her adventures and shares them with us.

Monday, March 19, 2007

*Science Test*

Just when you thought testing was over... 4th graders are preparing to take the 4th grade science test, coming soon in April. We don't know the exact dates yet, but will let you know ASAP. For now, take a look at the science practice tests and packets your child brings home and talk through it together.

For additional practice and other questions, visit the link below:

This will give you a good idea of what the test is all about!


Monday, March 12, 2007

*Women's History Month Research Project!*

Women’s History Month
Research Project

Photo from

Since March is Women’s History Month, I’d like you to do a little bit of research over the next few weeks on a woman of your choice. Choose someone who has made some sort of great contribution to our society, someone who you admire, and someone you DON’T know that much about, but are curious to learn more.

At the end of the month, you will present your research to the class. You may use visual aids and get creative to share what you’ve learned. Be sure to practice your presentation so you are well prepared to present. Here are some ideas and resources to get you started:

• write a song
• make a poster
• write an essay
• write a poem
• make a movie
• make a slideshow (PowerPoint)
• make an animation
• create a play
• make trading cards
• collect artifacts (photos, drawings,...)


*be sure to give credit to all of your resources.

DUE Friday, March 30th