allisyn wonderland

*learning & loving it! life in the 4th grade in brooklyn, NY*

Thursday, January 25, 2007

*Phantom of the Opera*

Wow. That was an unforgettable field trip! Share your thoughts with us! Highlights? Favorite characters? Best songs?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite character was the Phantom of the Opera because the Phantom was acting like he WAS the character. My best song was when Raoul and Christine were singing together.


My favorite character was also the Phantom because he would throw fire and show how he got angry. My favorite song was the theme song.


My favorite character was Christine because she has a great voice and she's a kind person.


I liked the Phantom because I think that the Phantom, when he was singing the last song, he was actually crying. But not for the opera -- for feelings in his heart.


The characters I envy the most are Andres and Fermin because they are very comical and act like they are the characters. I also have to say that my favorite songs were the Phantom theme song and when Andres & Fermin read the letters musically. That was funny!


I like Christine Daae because she has different personalities and different emotions. For example, she likes Raoul for his nice, kind and gentle heart. I think she likes a little bit of the Phantom because he is very adventurous and he also taught her how to sing better, and they spend a lot of time together.


I agree with Allie. I think Christine always changes emotions really fast, and I think that's really cool because she sings emotions like happiness, then in the next scene she sings with sadness. My question is how can she sing so loud?


She had a microphone.


I liked the Phantom because he had a lot of cool powers. He made Christine do things that she wouldn't do like make her sing better.


I agree with Kameron. Christine has a powerful voice more than anyone. She even had more parts in the play.


My favorite character was Raoul because he was like a hero because he wanted to save Christine and he went through difficult things to do that.


My favorite character is the Phantom because he's good at being sneaky. I didn't know that he was also the opera ghost until the end of the show.


I also agree with Erica because the Phantom is sneaky and has magical powers. My favorite highlight was at the end of the show when he escaped from under the cape, and his mask was still there.


1/25/2007 11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite character was the Phantom. My favorite act was when Christine came back to kiss the phantom and gave him the necklace. He felt like a human, that was a touching part of the opera. My favorite song was sung by the Phantom, Christine and Raoul at the end of the play.

Cole's Mom

1/25/2007 12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite character was Kristine and the Phantom
because the Ohantom had cool powers and I liked Kristine because shesang so well!


1/26/2007 5:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite character is the phantom and Christine because they both sing very well. My favorite song was the Masquerade!


1/26/2007 9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you all really enjoyed "Phantom."

I thought it was amazing when the Phantom was running away and first he appears on the right and then the left so quickly. I think it must have been special effects.

I hope you all get to see many more shows. It is one of my favorite things to do with my family.

Marjorie Levy

1/26/2007 11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading everybody's comments. Hope you don't mind my adding a few of my own:

I especially liked the Phantom himself because of all the different emotions he expressed: anger, hate, fear. love, sadness. That's not easy to do and sing at the same time!

My favorite song? "Music of the Night" when the Phantom puts Christine under his spell. It actually sounds like he's "hypnotizing" her, don't you think?

Joel Brooks

1/29/2007 7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite character is Raoul because he was brave againist the Phantom.My favorite song was Maskurade.


2/03/2007 11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite character is Raoul because he was brave againist the Phantom.My favorite song was Maskurade.


2/03/2007 11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you all really enjoyed your trip to Phantom. It was one of my favorite shows. I really liked when the Phantom seemed to appear everywhere at once. It must have been special effects.

I'm so glad that you all got to see a Broadway Show. That has always been one of my favorite things to do with my family. I hope you all get to see many more!

-Marjorie Levy (Allisyn's mom)

2/06/2007 1:19 PM  
Blogger Ayun Halliday said...

Attention all cat-loving, Phantom fans. I was browsing in Drougas Books on Carmine Street the other day and ran across a book called Phantom Cat of the Opera by David Wood. Lots of words and lots of pictures - the plot of Phantom, starring a cast of cats. You can snag yourself a copy on Amazon, or at Drougas, where all kids books are sold at a sharp discount!

Drougas Books
34 Carmine btwn Bleecker & Bedford
"Non-imperialist unoppressive bargain books."

2/08/2007 12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attention all cat-loving, Phantom fans. I was browsing in Drougas Books on Carmine Street the other day and ran across a book called Phantom Cat of the Opera by David Wood. Lots of words and lots of pictures - the plot of Phantom, starring a cast of cats. You can snag yourself a copy on Amazon, or at Drougas, where all kids books are sold at a sharp discount!

Drougas Books
34 Carmine btwn Bleecker & Bedford
"Non-imperialist unoppressive bargain books."


2/08/2007 12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite character was Kristine because she is a really good singer and also I like the phantom because he has very very cool powers and mind changing powers.

Love, Lydia

2/26/2007 2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i loved the phantom of the opera it will always be one of my favorite fourth grade brodway trips ever!!


PS. I miss you Allisyn!!!!!!!!

7/20/2007 12:14 PM  

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